Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lots of progress and a visit from TMC friends

Sorry I didn't post yesterday I had a long busy day spending time with our kids and Britney. Britney made a lot of noises yesterday but no words yet. She had the valve on for about 4 hours the last few days in the afternoons. She did great with it. It makes her work a lot harder to breathe so she has to build up to having it more and more. She has been blinking to communicate with her therapists and nurses the past few days more and more. She has been moving her legs a lot and has a lot of sensation in both feet. We can tell from her face and reactions when we massage them or stretch them. This morning she smiled at a joke her Aunt Jan told her. She smiled for a whole minute after really wide. She has been looking at us a lot and looking at her hands and feet when we stretch her out. She is really comfortable today after a massage from a family friend last night. We had a great surprise this morning one of the nurses from TMC ICU came and brought a card and presents for all the kids and Britney from the whole ICU team there. She was visiting a friend for a wedding and found out where Britney is. It was the nicest surprise and made our day. Thank you to all the people in the ICU at TMC who saved her life in those first few days to give her a chance at recovering, and for following the blog so closely and for all your prayers and support.


  1. It was wonderful to talk to you. I can't believe how much progress she is making. I need to send a gift to britney but do not know where to send it. When you get a minute call me.

  2. It amazes me how many lives Britney has touched and the goodness of the people who cared for her. Good job on the progress Britney. Your hard work is paying off. Love you.

  3. Yesterday, I watched a fireside given at BYU-Idaho (on BYU-TV), given by President Monson's daughter, Ann Dibb. She mentioned how the weeks preceding her father's call to become the President of the LDS Church, her mother had fallen and was in a coma for 3 weeks. She mentioned that the physician's prognosis was not good, so President Monson asked them if they had faith & believed in miracles. President Monson stated that while her life was in God's hands, he did believe his wife could be healed. Sure enough, Sister Monson surpassed everyone's expectations, and she recovered - leaving many to believe in miracles!

    Yes, we do believe in miracles & the healing power of God's hands. Britney, we are so thankful for the miracles that have transpired in your life, and know God is continuing to heal you!

  4. I am so happy to hear that Britney is doing well now that she is back home in the arms of family. That is what families are all about. We will miss seeing all of you at church. I read your updates with great joy and appreciation for all the Lord's blessings in your lives. Hang in there.

  5. John--

    Glad things are looking up and up. We're still following the blog, and still praying for you both.

    Tracy Zundel
