Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Anna Recognizes Mommy

I held Britney's hand and talked to her for a few minutes before lunch today. Right away, she swallowed and then blinked a few times during my short visit! This was the first I had seen a response from her myself! Mom and I brought Anna in with us. She was squirmy and distracted by all the machines in the room at first. Then she noticed Britney in the bed, stopped wiggling, and just stared intensely at Britney's face. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she got an enormous smile on her face. I think she recognized her mommy!


  1. That is so wonderful that Anna lit up like that. She must also sense that things are improving! What a blessing that Britney is continuously showing signs of improvement.

  2. What a sweet moment. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. just in case you're wondering who "Andrew" (above) is, it's Becca.

  4. What a shock to find out what has been going on! You are such a great family and our thoughts and prayers are with you. That's fantastic to hear that she is making these improvements!

  5. So nice to hear the updates, thanks for posting them. We are praying that things will continue to improve for Britney.
    It was nice to come down and play with the kids and good to meet so many of your families members. I am sure that all of Britney's support is helping her to respond so quickly.
    God Bless,

  6. I was thinking about all the family dinners we have had at Station 35 over the years! Our family as well as all of your fire department family are praying for you all. Mike and Kinny have done a great job of updating us. The site is great too!

    God bless you all! Scott and Louise Richardson


  7. We are thinking and praying for Britney and your family. I'm so glad you started this blog. You are a wonderful family! Keep the faith up! The Lord definitely has a hand in all of these miracles. I'm so happy to hear of her progress. Please continue to keep us updated.

    With love,

    The Porter family

  8. We love you John and family. You are constantly in our prayers. Please don't hesitate to tell us how we can help. THe whole milwaukee ward is ready and willing to do what we can.

  9. That's great! i just want to tell the foster family that all of you are in are thoughts and prayers! There has not been a day gone by at the firehouse that people ask how she is doing and what can been done for her.I know your family is big ! but your South Metro family is 300 plus ! dont ever hesitate to ask for anything !
    LT Kinny Tasker South metro Fire Rescue.
